
영어 교육

Backup 2009. 2. 14. 15:58
14,000,000,000 brain cells burns averagely and is born or the thing is material, in the eye the boy the thing and, the potential energy which accepts information which comes to give after that from actuality and the willpower which comes true it not being visible in the eye. Our most has the brain cell of similar number and in order to be born, being inherited with true feelings does not know this partial log which is not visible in the eye. The brain of the children leaves the ability which is necessary from actuality and puts and the remainder degenerates, eliminates and the function which throws away until 7 year-old advances. The sense which listens the 2nd language which is English, about sound the sense is eliminated assertion is, but until usual 0~7~13 year-old the language find ability sensitiveness is thought of 12 week after lifestyle and within 6 months. Only will give the spurs a little and ' will be able to apply a subconsciousness; Purity ' When keeping, is. But, does the sensitive item the young recording sense being a fact put on. The other side age listens, water shortage rock ' Gain and loss power ' ' Intelligence report power ' ' Analysis power ' Will become more superiorly the silver. Says that (the age enters, ' Subconsciousness ' Does not apply, also the fact that is fixed idea. We open that door as much as and there is a water shortage.)

Consequently among these is stable the model of language is the propitious day thing which has one river one language and a mother tongue. It still for the children who is not option, the capital which will be a selection of our parents is. If us a Korean our children ' of Koreans; Emotion ' Comes ' Feeling ' Keeps, with the children who leads with me which am a parents grows and, the small cymbal is the thing. When the mother tongue is exchanged and ' where is basic; Sense of value ' Oneself makes be born and difference. Eats well and lives in opulence and the small cymbal changes a sense of value in advance from mind and sends finds studying abroad, English from zero American cultural area and the sense of value is exchanged and throws away and a Korean among, even in the parents and the child between emotion ' Interchange ' Sees the case which does not become plentifully and comes. Shallow (). Is shallow, [yelp] is an education. Like that shallowly and we educate we come, the result the head is good but is our actuality where the originality dies.

Sends studying abroad to young age, or, sends to read only the English book plentifully, becomes, will make or only the English book read and the English preschool, or, is not developmental with the direction which one many sides which instantaneous child wants me, the features see which and makes and does not know. Proper ' Creation ' Respects from proper ' Information ' Is necessary, it ' Selection ' The fact that does is ceremony of the parents.

The children who grows among these is natural from language environment mother tongue ' where is not which language; Among these language oneself ' There is a mother tongue one possibility. It ' where is a circle of language; Image ' Displays the pliability which has oneself, only does, belong culturally in which group be possibility, a oneself confusedly there is. Among these with language the children, height right coldly the cotton, is a parents who uses freely a single language to come out and raises a little different children and, becomes and the fact that wears out and knows does. The language decides the accident of one human being, has the importance which is huge too.

The grudge which grows from grudge and Korea where are not one parents and one language, our children keeps a mother tongue and changes makes use and the one part that in English. When will make the depth of accident healthily with mother tongue to do and English does to make one part use slowly joyfully. The child will grow anyhow and again will learn, English of area of expertise of oneself and the fact that is the possibility which now will do as a favor most is the time which prepares the English sense where becomes the basic and a talent. There is not also a so urgent thing, will not prepare so many double meaning information also the times when. Knows the route where the parents English education are proper only well, information which have reached the side inundate and (specially from our country was close with specialist and parents meeting, without, with limit and commercial characteristic of information) they are caused by only will be dyeing puts on sometimes with exclusion.

Confused is advanced to 3 year-old after that, our subconsciousness oneself ' Confusion ' Is because of selfishness, the subconsciousness we who are an adult whom does will be able to experience ' Dream ' Is. ^^ ' awake, before, the children before 36 months the stamp; The ceremony ' which dreams; Is. All objects are exchanged instantaneously from dream, the image and [theyl] the [ley] they sell and with doctor being understood becomes accomplished and there is not a continuity. Justly ' of languages; Sound ' Being made to mix. Function of like this brain ' of our bodies; Creation ' Respects is being opened generally the first enemy. to awake and 36 months which are advanced, the permanent teeth rises and with a subconsciousness with the base point 7 year-old comes up sinks and the activity of the ostensible ceremony which is necessary from actuality and the left brain is actualized the stamp where Awakes a language with concentration of the energy for the creation of the body the ability until 3 year-old makes a limit receive. The vocabulary power of 3 year-old is restricted at 3,000 word degree. If English 1,000 words the mother tongue to 2,000 word outsides is not a place which will enter. Will compare in the next door child who uses freely a single language our children can not become insufficient and [e] stammeringly only. Until 7 year-old goes up with the completion of the body the slowly such limit comes loose. During that time among these ' of languages; Mixture ' From, ' where the languages which are exposed take the proper place; Dividing ' With ' where is perfect; Division ' Happens year-old 7 around and bilingual where is stabilized is born. The permanent teeth comes up, is made to divide the left right side and, the right-hander left-hander is divided and also the fetters of language completely makes come loose and is a time where the big bang of the vocabulary power which is rapid is advanced, to this time when does in compliance with whether to educational of babyhood there make be 5,000~25,000 vocabulary power differences already.

Of ' 90% or more awakes, 7 year-old with the base point the stamp; The studying law ' Is a reason where the justice electrification annularity is necessary. Around 7 year-old does and from the children refuses English, demands does closes a conversation and shame auricle exercising, an interpretation, the reason which throws away the absorption power which the activity which is all left brain and before that is gifted the ability stamp of subconsciousness.

Like this among these ' of languages; Confused ' Like without being damage water shortage is visible. Is because means that also the language is advanced growth of ceremony from finally together. The small cymbal sees the life energy which is not visible in the eye which advances the all things and should.

Secret intention the selection which is personal catches the standard of mother tongue and English at 10:1 degree. Passes by an infantile primary grade and [ilk] [hin] the many sides English book catches 10,000 volume mother tongue books at 1,000 volume degree and the child ' where is clear; A Korean ' Makes a justice identity keep and makes raise and, wants. ' where is genuine; Brilliant person ' Is not the existence whose which one partial enemy capability is superior. The brilliant person who is genuine is the person who all displays the potential energy of oneself.

Our brain cell oneself the person where the head is good is to a bad person and the star difference is born without. All does not use the such brain with 10% husband and wife not to be able, if will go and the reason which the head will do as expected well will be what? IQ falls a little and if function of the brain of 100% or more goes there will be a person bitterly who will be a brilliant person who is genuine in that person and the person whose IQ is high? We when 100% will make our brain use and? Finds out it, applies and our children raises and the fact that one day thing we must do in true feelings.

Prevents the confusion of language among these the best route rightly the selection which is ceremony of the parents. ' The English education ' which is nationality; Is, actual assigns the ratio of mother tongue and English that is sees. Makes the depth of mother tongue more deeply and staring, from within direct experiencing and the limit where the concept takes a triangular position English education help to advance easily fun. One strong language, the concept which is advanced with mother tongue is easy too in the infants ' Transfer ' Happens. So there is to the English educational law and stands but the image and important being effective to be having with mother tongue, puts on the story of the whole. The children who receives a bilingual education forms the conception which is fixed about one word, ' where is a circle of language; Image ' With the possibility which will be advanced is many. According to the cultural area about one word is because being difference of use.

The nation whose IQ is highest from the clear world there is a research result which is our Korean race. But, the forecast which means that the head will be best generally world-wide ' Jew ' And displays the ability where they are superior actual. Jew from IQ orders which are world-wide us far is to a back side. If knows the difference and the key of education is caught.

Does the fact that will imitate their culture knows, must learn the attitude of their life put on. We during that time surface features of the West, imitates only the shell to be intent on our oneself who is genuine is a wild woman and cannot see. So features of prince where becomes the beggar. Lives with features of the beggar and comes but, our oneself is a wild woman at the front and our divine callings discover and the moment when sees, discovering the features of prince and also making. All making our potential energy that time display. There is to English education and stands but is a reason must reflect the root department of pedagogy and the individual of historical inside. ' The English education ' which is nationality; Asserts and is a reason must practice.